TOEFL スピーキング は4つのパートで構成されています。
この記事ではパート2の 対策 方法 にフォーカスを当てて書いています。
■ 問題形式
■ アプローチ
■ 対策 方法
1.メインのコンセプトを述べる(リーディングから) 2.教授が言及したコンセプトの例/実例(リスニングから) 2.1.最初の実例(リスニングから 3.まとめ (リーディング/リスニングから) |
※ X はメインのコンセプトの名称など ・From the reading passage, X is described as ______. (リーディングから) ・The professor illustrates/demonstrates X by giving one/two examples. (リスニングから) ・In the first example, _____. (リスニングから) ・In the second example, ______. (リスニングから) ・(Optional) In summary/So/Therefore, these examples demonstrate/show X. (リスニングから) |
2. メモるべき内容の把握
メモ例: paradox of choice = 意味: |
音源を聴く際に聞き取るべき内容 / メモするべき内容は下記となります。
メモ例: ・メインのトピック/コンセプト ・パラグラフ(話題)が移行する際に使われるシグナルワード ・コンセプトの例 |
3. 目的別の定型文/フレーズを把握
3.1. メインのトピックを述べる定型文
1. X is a/an ______ that/who/which/where _________________________ 2. X occurs when/where ________________________________ 3. A concept/idea/situation________ that/who/which ___________ is referred to as/known as/called X 4. X refers to the idea/concept that ____ or X___ refers to the situation/circumstance where ____ |
1. Verbal communication is a type of communication that uses words and language. 2. VC occurs when we use language and speak to each other 3. The style of communication that uses words and language is referred to as VC. 4. VC refers to a style of communication where language and words are used |
3.2. 話題が移行する際のシグナルワード
タイプ | シグナルワード |
パラグラフ/要点が変わる | First/Second/Third |
追加情報を述べる | In addition, furthermore, additionally, also, next, moreover, what’s more, on top of that |
結論 / まとめを述べる | To sum up, in summary, in conclusion, to conclude, all in all, all things considered ,overall, taking everything into consideration, in a nutshell |
対比/ 反対の内容を述べる | Conversely, on the contrary, by contrast, by way of contrast, on one hand/on the other hand |
比較/類似するモノを述べる | Similarly, likewise, by the same token, along similar lines |
原因に対する結果を述べる | As a result, as a consequence, consequently, therefore |
一般論を述べる | Generally, on the whole, in most cases, in general |
要点を簡潔にして再度述べる | That is, in other words, to put it simply, That is to say, just to reiterate |
代案/代行になるモノを述べる | Alternatively, as another possibility |
3.3. 例が述べられる際のシグナルワード
例を挙げる | For example, for instance, take something, for example, to give a clear example |
4. 効率的にメモを取る
- メインのトピックコンセプト
- パラグラフ(話題)が移行する際に使われるシグナルワード
- コンセプトの例
シンボル | 意味 | 使用例 |
= | refer to, occur, ..etc | A concept that people make choices to describe a situation in a positive or negative way is referred to as word framing
※ 「AはBです」というBe動詞を伴う文の「は」に当たる記号 |
∵ | Because, as a result of, due to, because, owing to | Due to the increasing popularity of e-books, there has been a fall in paper book sales. |
∴ | Therefore | Element 43 has radioactive decay, therefore element 43 doesn’t last very long, which means if that ever had been present on earth, it would have decayed ages ago. |
=> | result in, lead to, contribute to, give rise to, cause (~の結果になる/~に繋がる/~に貢献する/~を引き起こす、など) | Carbon dioxide significantly contributes to global warming. |
≠ | isn’t, doesn’t, don’t, can’t etc. | Element 43 has radioactive decay, therefore element 43 doesn’t last very long, which means if that ever had been present on earth, it would decayed ages ago. |
+ | many, lots of, a great deal of, etc. | Because potatoes have the ability to provide abundant and extremely nutritious food crop, no other crop grew in Northern Europe. As a result, the nutrition of the general population improved tremendously and population soared in the early 1800s. |
++ | Comparatives | Older and more experienced birds who nest in the high density shrub areas have significantly more offspring than those in low density areas, which suggests the choice of where to nest does have an impact on the number of chicks they have. |
+++ | Superlatives | What was even more surprising were all the large organisms that lived down there. The most distinctive of these was something called the tube worm. Here, let me show you a picture. The tube of the tube worm is really, really long. They can be up to one and half meters long, and these tubes are attached to the ocean floor, pretty weird looking, huh? |
– | Little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of, etc. | As I said the monsoon migrated itself, so there was less rain in the Sahara. The land started to get drier, which in turn caused huge decreases in the amount of vegetation, because vegetation doesn’t grow as well in dry soil, right? And then, less vegetation means the soil can’t hold water and the soil loses its ability to retain water when it does rain. So then you have less moisture to help clouds form, nothing to evaporate for cloud formation. |
! | Important, interesting | But what’s particularly interesting about these volcanoes is that most of the volcanoes here on Earth are not shield volcanoes. Instead, they are other volcano types, like strata volcanoes, for example, which are a result of tectonic plate movement. |
↑ | Increase, improve, progress, become high | Because potatoes have the ability to provide abundant and extremely nutritious food crop, no other crop grew in Northern Europe. As a result, the nutrition of the general population improved tremendously and population soared in the early 1800s. |
↓ | Decrease, worsen, drawback, lower | As I said the monsoon migrated itself, so there was less rain in the Sahara. The land started to get drier, which in turn caused huge decreases in the amount of vegetation, because vegetation doesn’t grow as well in dry soil, right? And then, less vegetation means the soil can’t hold water and the soil loses its ability to retain water when it does rain. So then you have less moisture to help clouds form, nothing to evaporate for cloud formation. |